If I Weren’t Religious

Eli Berger
1 min readApr 14, 2019

If I weren’t religious,

I’d still be into metal.

I’d spend my money on seasonality,

My zeal on conservation,

And my head on astrophysics

(But I’d still be awful at physics).

If I hadn’t meditated,

I’d have time for PS3.

I’d have gotten into board games

And have kids with cool hair

(With names like Hunter and Sky,

Just for the kicks).

If I hadn’t asked one more question (Why?!)

That no one seemed to ask,

I’d still be a millennial

But one who wants more money,

Who’d never have dealt with anger

In quite the same way.

And if I never needed truth

And never looked past the surface,

I’d never have been so happy

On my worst days.

If on my worst days

I’d paint my room with nihilism,

Blacken the world

And descend,

I’m not sure I’d be here at all…

I’m so glad it all worked out.



Eli Berger

Taking a step back to abstract the concrete, concretize the abstract, and interrogate the daylights out of my imagination.