Too Bad, You Already Believe in a Messiah

Eli Berger
2 min readApr 30, 2019

No one officially knows the future at present, and I’m not about to pelt you with eschatological kittens (cats are actually pretty eschatological when you think about it, and no I hadn’t thought of that pun until just now.)

If there’s one thing that has and continues to turn people off from religion, it’s the whole messianic era thing. This is partially due to some oversimplification about what it is and how extrinsic a messiah-figure is to the gravity of it all.

But either way, I think you believe it whether you like it or not.

Unconscious optimism

Even the proudest nihilists out there have some inexplicable source of optimism about the way the future will play out. For some, it’s a sense of acceptance that whatever happens will happen anyway. For others, it’s an opportunity to be empowered and do whatever we can do because…we might as well.

And even though many people say they don’t believe in any ultimate truth, they hold that to be some kind of ultimate truth or something.

The eventuality might be different to different people, but everyone seems to think whatever reality is will eventually become apparent, even if no one is around to



Eli Berger

Taking a step back to abstract the concrete, concretize the abstract, and interrogate the daylights out of my imagination.